Hi, My Name Is
Robert Strouse

Years Old.
"Laugh, Learn, Love"
stage four high risk Neuroblastoma
High School Team:
Hays high school- football
Dream Team:
Heath hale
Favorite Things:
Robert Strouse was diagnosed with stage four high risk Neuroblastoma when he was nine months old. He had seven rounds of chemo, two tumor removal surgeries, a stem cell transplant, 12 rounds of radiation and six months of maintenance therapy. He is now happy to say that he has been cancer free for three years. Unfortunately the chemo that saved his life placed many other obstacles in his path. It left him with a severe speech delay and motor processing disorder. It also left Robert with scarring on his liver that needs to be watched carefully. The chemo caused damage to his bone marrow and some of his adult teeth. He is in speech and occupational therapy three times a week. Strouse get follow ups from his radiation oncologist and oncologist every six months to make sure he stays healthy. Through it all he always smiles and enjoys everything that life brings his way. He will start kindergarten in the fall, and he will be in speech through school two times a week to help him with words. His family's favorite thing to see is his smile. To see him smile brings them so much happiness.