Hi, My Name Is

Years Old.
“Live strong, fight hard”
Steven Johnson’s Syndrome.
High School Team:
Cedar Park
Dream Team:
Miss Texas
Favorite Things:
As a toddler, Maddie was often very sick. She had repeat sinus and respiratory infections, and when she was 4 years old, she had sinus surgery. Maddie remained relatively healthy for a few years after that, but then she developed a sinus infection that wouldn’t clear after 10 days on an antibiotic. Her ENT doctor put her on a 21-day course of sulpha drugs to knock out the infection. On day 19, she received a flu shot and within 2 hours had a high fever. After one week, Maddie was hospitalized for Steven Johnson’s Syndrome. This disease occurs when the body doesn’t have enough immunoglobins to fight off infections. It affects the body anywhere there are mucous membranes present, both internally and externally, and causes a blistering rash inside and out. Maddie received an implant to slow puberty down so that she could grow. In the past five years, she has had three ports. They are supposed to last three years, but her body continually rejects them after roughly one year. The treatment for this disease is IV infusions. She has received one each month for the past five years. Chiropractic care helps prevent her from getting migraines and sinus infections. Maddie’s Champion Teammates for the 2015-16 season are Miss Texas, broadcaster and ethical fashion advocate, Ashley Yarborough, and the Cedar Park High School Celebrities. While Maddie is partially homeschooled, she’ll be spending a lot of time with her brand new teammates. Go team Maddie!