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Hi, My Name Is

Years Old.
"Determination, Strong Will,
Undiagnosed Condition
High School Team:
Dream Team:
Favorite Things:
Jayd'n's medical journey began when he was diagnosed with autism along with an abnormality on a chromosome. Jayd'n was referred to a geneticist and was found to have a gain in an isolated chromosome known as "B Smart 1" or chromosome 22. However, after years of genetic testing there is still no known diagnosis. The genetic testing process has been ongoing for 8 years but Jayd'n's family still has no answers as all tests have been ruled inconclusive. Jayd'n is a happy child with a bubbly personality. His laugh and smile are contagious and he will always brighten your day even on a bad day. He is inspired by Special Olympic athletes because regardless of their conditions, they overcome and excel in life without giving up.
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