Hi, My Name Is
Jacob Ouellette

Years Old.
"I am not Afraid"
Jacobs brain identified an abnormality, but it is still unclear if it is a
tumor, a rare disorder called abnormal brain migration or something altogether different.
High School Team:
Bob Dorset
Dream Team:
Lake travis boys basketball
Favorite Things:
Jacob is one of the kindest children you could ever meet. He always wants to do what is right. His Kindergarten teacher recognized this and cared deeply about his welfare. He did very well the first few months of school, but sometime between Halloween and Thanksgiving he started becoming clumsier, having daily headaches, forgetting things, crying, sleeping some days 15-18 hours at a time (sometimes sleeping over 24 hours), falling asleep in the middle of a sentence and having migraines, nausea, stomach aches, bloody discharge from his eyes, very dark black circles around his eyes for days at a time, weight loss (food would taste funny for days at a time), incontinence, inability to find words, seizure like trances followed by post seizure-like behaviors, confusion and emotional outbursts on a regular basis (outburst are very uncharacteristic of Jake). Over the last year, Jacob went through an endless battery of tests that did not yield a definitive diagnosis. An initial MRI of Jacobs brain identified an abnormality, but it is still unclear if it is a tumor, a rare disorder called abnormal brain migration or something altogether different. Jacob still believes he can do anything. I don’t want him to lose his hopeful spirit, but it can’t last much longer under the assaults on his health and learning. He dreams of being a famous basketball player.