Hi, My Name Is

Years Old.
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease and the
following disease falls under this umbrella (Lupus, Reynard’s, Arthritis, Nephritis, Fibrosis of the
lungs, high positive ARA and RNP, and dermatomyositis)
High School Team:
Base San Antonio Varsity Triathlon
Dream Team:
Matt Harmatuk
Favorite Things:
When Garrison was 12 years old, he was diagnosed with Mixed Connective Tissue Disease and the following disease falls under this umbrella (Lupus, Reynard’s, Arthritis, Nephritis, Fibrosis of the lungs, high positive ARA and RNP, and dermatomyositis). He is currently a junior at Cedar Park High School and his mind does not know that his body is not able to keep up. He is very sharp mentally and very smart. His body however is not able to keep up with him. He tries very hard to keep a positive outlook but sometimes that is very hard. Basic things people take for granted; tying shoes, putting clothes on, showering etc, he is not able to do on his own. The disease manifests itself in stiffness and loss of mobility, the body attacks the muscles and turns them into scar tissue, it is very difficult for him to maintain his health and weight as well. He goes to chemo once a month to try to stop the progression and "reboot" his system as well as IVIG infusions monthly to help with his disease. He has limited mobility and does nightly NG feeds to keep his nutrition up, he needs a min of 2500 calories a day