Hi, My Name Is

Years Old.
“Be strong…live life”
Primary Immune Deficiency
High School Team:
e Bowie High School Basketball
Dream Team:
Favorite Things:
At 6 years old, Chase contracted bacterial meningitis. He had been playing football in the yard and within moments, had fallen into unconsciousness. With a 3 percent chance of survival, Chase stayed in a coma and on life support for 10 days with little to no brain activity. After miraculously waking up, it seemed his body had basically made a full recovery. Slowly, his doctors began to realize after repeated illnesses and infections that his body’s ability to make his own antibodies had been destroyed by meningitis. He basically no longer has his own immune system. For the past four years, Chase has been under the care of the Infectious Department at Dell Children’s Medical Center. He receives an IV infusion every month. Each infusion is a mixture of 20,000 different donors’ antibodies, giving him the best chance of being able to fight the many germs he comes in contact with. Through trial and error, the staff at Dell has done an amazing job matching him with a donor pool that has little rejection on his part. Chase has been given a broad diagnosis of Primary Immune Deficiency Disease. Doctors believe his disease is more specific and continue to work toward a more specific diagnosis. Chase’s motto is “Be strong…live life!” so Mark Henry, World’s Strongest Man and WWE Superstar, was a clear choice to be Chase’s Champion Teammate. Chase loves all things sports but basketball is his true passion, which is why the Bowie High School Basketball Team are also proud to welcome him as an honorary Teammate this season. Go team Chase