Hi, My Name Is

Years Old.
“No Fear ”
Job Syndrome
High School Team:
Georgetown High
School Girls Lacrosse team
Dream Team:
Champion Diva and model Michelle Calaway
Favorite Things:
Caroline was born with Job Syndrome, which was officially diagnosed at age 3. Job Syndrome is a rare, inherited disease that is known to trigger problems with the skin, sinuses, lungs, bones, and teeth. It causes the skin to become covered in rash-like boils from head to toe. For the first three years of her life, Caroline visited Texas Children’s Hospital, the Mayo Clinic and an Immune Deficiency Foundation Conference hoping to obtain insight into immune disorders. She has had multiple pneumonias, surgeries and hospitalizations. At school, she plays the violin, and she loves to cook and bake when she’s at home. Caroline’s motto is “No Fear” making fellow strong lady 2 x WWE Champion, 2 x WWE Champion Diva and model Michelle Calaway her perfect Champion Teammate for 2015-16. Caroline is also a proud, new honorary member of the Georgetown High School Girls Lacrosse team… Eagle Fight Never Dies!