Hi, My Name Is

Years Old.
"Don't Give Up"
Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)
High School Team:
Dream Team:
Talaya Frazier
Favorite Things:
Talaya Frazier – Caleb's Champion Athlete Ambassador Founder of the Champions 4 Children Foundation and Fitness Model, Talaya has represented the US in the World Triathons and is competing in her 7th consecutive Boston Marathon this April, having requalified in 2012 despite finishing the race with a broken femur. After presenting with deep bruises along his legs in kindergarten, Caleb was diagnosed with Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). His body destroys his platelets resulting in the inability to clot should there be any bleeding. Traumatic injury could result in severe hemorrhage. Most children have acute ITP that resolves spontaneously. Unfortunately, Caleb has acquired the chronic form of this disorder. He has reported every month for the past six years for labs and infusions at Dell's Specially for Children Hospital. Caleb is not allowed to participate in activities that may cause head trauma like football, baseball, gymnastics, etc. Currently there is no cure for this platelet disorder.