Hi, My Name Is

Years Old.
Hypophosphatasia (HPP)
High School Team:
Dream Team:
TexARTS Theatre
Favorite Things:
Music. Acting. Singing. Color-Teal.
Briley was diagnosed with Hypophosphatasia (HPP). When her brother Grayson was 16 months old, his baby teeth began falling out, prompting a search for answers. Suspecting HPP, a consultation with Dr. Whyte at Shriner’s Children Hospital in St. Louis confirmed the diagnosis. Four years later, Briley's diagnosis process was expedited through out-of-pocket genetic testing.
Born prematurely at 35 weeks, she spent a week in the NICU for jaundice monitoring. Genetic testing during her NICU stay confirmed her HPP diagnosis. Despite expectations for a mild presentation, Briley developed craniosynostosis and chiari malformation, necessitating surgery before age 1.
Advocacy and awareness of HPP guided her parents to seek prompt treatment, preventing potential complications. Briley and Grayson began Strensiq injections in 2016 for treatment, which have strengthened their bones and muscles, despite some side effects.